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Mar 13, 2023 – Mar 14, 2023 13.03.23 – 14.03.23
Research Data in Discrete Mathematics
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig
Christiane Görgen, Martina Juhnke-Kubitzke, Thomas Kahle, Lars Kastner, Raman Sanyal, Christian Stump

Discrete mathematics has a long-standing tradition of generating and utilizing data to substantiate theories. Conversely, questions regarding the systematic generation of (counter-)examples drives research.

This 2-day “noon-to-noon” workshop is dedicated to the interplay of discrete data and discrete structures from a contemporary perspective. How FAIR is our data? How can modern technology help to analyze and interpret discrete data? Which connections to the sciences become visible through data? We approach these questions “hands-on” with invited lectures and panel discussions.

May 18, 2023 – May 19, 2023 18.05.23 – 19.05.23
GMZ 60, celebrating the 60th birthday of Günter M. Ziegler
Konrad-Zuse-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Christian Haase, Michael Joswig, Raman Sanyal, Nadja Wisniewski

We will be celebrating Günter M. Ziegler's 60th birthday with a 1.5-day workshop. The workshop relates to the Gunter's contributions to geometry, topology, and the mathematical community. Please join us for a festive event with many of Günter's students, postdocs, and long-term companions. The first day concludes with a joint dinner.

Jun 28, 2023 – Jun 29, 2023 28.06.23 – 29.06.23
24 Hours of Combinatorial Synergies
OvGU Magdeburg, Germany

This workshop will serve as a forum for scientific exchange and coordination of project proposals. The speakers are Paolo Benincasa (MPI Physics), Sarah Brauner (Minnesota/MPI-MiS), Mareike Fischer (Greifswald), Irem Portakal (TU München), Frank Vallentin (Köln), and Michael Walter (Bochum).

Jul 04, 2023 04.07.23
MaRDI Barcamp
Bielefeld, Germany
MaRDI (Tabea Krause, Victor Zimmermann) & Faculty of Mathematics, Bielefeld University (Claudia Köhler, Lukas Kühne)

Barcamp on research-data management in mathematics. The event will provide a forum to exchange expertise and questions in the field of mathematics-specific research-data management (RDM) and existing best practices. It is aimed at all researchers dealing with mathematical research data. In a Barcamp, the topics are decided on by the participants. This means that the focus will be very specific to the research questions and needs of the attendees. Questions could be: "What exactly does your community need?", "What works well and what doesn't?" or "How do young researchers or young projects implement 'good' RDM structures in the first place and what has proven successful?"

Sep 03, 2023 – Sep 06, 2023 03.09.23 – 06.09.23
90th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatorire
Evangelische Akademie, Bad Boll
Christian Krattenthaler, Christian Stump

The main speakers of this session will be Bertrand EYNARD (CEA/IPHT Saclay) and Ilse FISCHER (Universität Wien). There will be time for a limited number of talks by participants (about 25 minutes each talk).

Sep 25, 2023 – Sep 28, 2023 25.09.23 – 28.09.23

Oct 09, 2023 – Oct 13, 2023 09.10.23 – 13.10.23
Vector bundles and combinatorial algebraic geometry
Frankfurt, Germany
Andres Gross, Alex Küronya, Martin Ulirsch

Oct 16, 2023 – Oct 18, 2023 16.10.23 – 18.10.23
Chow Lectures 2023
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig

This year's speaker for the Chow lectures is June Huh (Princeton University).

Oct 19, 2023 – Oct 19, 2023 19.10.23 – 19.10.23
MaRDI 1-day-course on research data management.
Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Magdeburg
Christiane Görgen (Uni Leipzig), Jan Heiland (MPI Magdeburg), Thomas Kahle (OvGU Magdeburg), Tabea Krause (Uni Leipzig)

Every researcher in every research discipline has research data. Only, you may not call it data (yet).

To generate new math results, we build on previous results, perform own observations and thought experiments, try and fail many times until a proof is completed, find a little help from a colleague, and maybe use a computer to run a quick or complex computation. Isn’t all this just collecting data?

In this one-day course that was specifically designed for researchers in mathematics, we will learn and experience what mathematical research data is and how we can organize, document, and possibly publish it.

Oct 20, 2023 – Oct 20, 2023 20.10.23 – 20.10.23
MaRDI Barcamp on research data management
Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Magdeburg
Jan Heiland (MPI Magdeburg), Thomas Kahle (OvGU Magdeburg), Tabea Krause (Uni Leipzig)

The second MaRDI Barcamp on research-data management in mathematics hosted by the Mathematical Research Data Initiative (MaRDI) will take place on October 20th 2023 at the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg.

The event will provide a forum to exchange expertise and questions in the field of mathematics-specific research-data management and existing best practices. It is aimed at all researchers dealing with mathematical research data as well as at people from large mathematical research projects such as CRCs, priority programs or clusters of excellence.

What is a Barcamp? After short initial talks the topics are decided on by the participants. This means that the focus will be very specific to the research questions and needs of the attendees. Possible questions and topics we hope to address are: "What exactly does your community need?", "What works well and what doesn't?" or "How do young researchers or young projects implement 'good' RDM structures in the first place and what has proven successful?" We do not assume any prior knowledge with data management.

Mar 18, 2024 – Mar 23, 2024 18.03.24 – 23.03.24
Combinatorial Coworkspace 2024
Haus Bergkranz, a guest house of the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt in Kleinwalsertal, Austria
Martina Juhnke, Thomas Kahle, Raman Sanyal, Christian Stump

A “coworkspace” is a place where people come together to work together or simply side-by-side. The goal of our “combinatorial coworkspace” is to give a group of motivated young and promising as well as established mathematicians such a place to explore new directions, applications, cooperations, and alliances within combinatorics and beyond. A context is provided by a suitable number of tutorials and lectures and the beautiful location encourages to take mathematical thoughts outdoors.

Apr 10, 2024 – Apr 12, 2024 10.04.24 – 12.04.24
5th Graduate Student Meeting in Applied Algebra and Combinatorics
Berlin, Germany
Sofía Garzón, Kyle Huang, Dante Luber, Lorenzo Vecchi, Marcel Wack

The 2024 edition of the Graduate Student Meeting on Applied Algebra and Combinatorics will take place in Berlin, April 10-12. This is an opportunity for graduate students and postdocs interested in algebra and combinatorics and their applications to meet each other, communicate their research, and form new collaborations.

Over the course of three days, participants will get the chance to take part in two minicourses held by Georg Loho (he/him) and İrem Portakal (she/her) with interactive exercise sessions, a poster session, several contributed talks, software demonstrations, as well as an open problem session.

May 13, 2024 – May 17, 2024 13.05.24 – 17.05.24
Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry from Physics
MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
Dmitrii Pavlov, Bernd Sturmfels, Simon Telen

This one-week course offers an introduction to recent advances in combinatorics and algebraic geometry that were inspired by themes from particle physics, such as scattering amplitudes and Feynman integrals.

Jun 10, 2024 – Jun 11, 2024 10.06.24 – 11.06.24
Lecture Series "Matroidal polynomials and their singularities"
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Gerhard Röhrle, Sven Wiesner

There will be a series of four talks by Uli Walther (Purdue University, USA) on (1) Matroids, matroidal polynomials, examples of these, including Kirchhoff polynomials, configuration polynomials, multivariable Tutte polynomials, matroid support polynomials. (2) Feynman diagrams and Feynman integrands (which are also matroidal). A discussion on torus actions on these hypersurfaces. The singular locus of certain matroidal polynomials: for configuration polynomials when the matroid is sufficiently connected, discuss irreducibility, size of singular locus, comparison between Jacobian ideal and a certain corank 2 determinantal ideal, Cohen-Macaulayness of these. The special case of the free resolution of the singular locus of the Kirchhoff polynomial of a complete graph. (3) For matroidal polynomials in general, it will be explained that they have rational singularities, and in the homogeneous case that they are F-regular. (4) Time permitting there will also be a discussion about the resolution of singularities.

Jul 01, 2024 – Jul 05, 2024 01.07.24 – 05.07.24
CAP Days 2024
Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France
Daniel Juteau (local organizer), Mohamed Barakat

CAP (shorthand for Categories, Algorithms, Programming) is a software project for algorithmic category theory written in GAP. It facilitates both the realization of specific instances of categories and the implementation of generic categorical algorithms.

The workshop is split into three kinds of activities:

  • Introductory talks about algorithmic category theory (ALCT), CAP as a dialect of ALCT, and CompilerForCAP.

  • An explicit live show-case implementation of a category constructor and an explicit categorical tower.

  • Exercise sessions implementing categorical algorithms in CAP. Participants are also invited to implement their own work in CAP and we will be happy to provide help.

The workshop aims at mathematicians, physicists, and computer scientists who want to learn about applications of algorithmic category theory and how CAP can be used to structure implementations in a categorical way.

Jul 03, 2024 – Jul 05, 2024 03.07.24 – 05.07.24
Discrete Mathematics Days 2024
Alcalá de Henares, Spain
David Orden (organising committee chair), Delia Garijo and Francisco Santos (program committee chairs)

The Discrete Mathematics Days 2024 (DMD 2024) will be held in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, on July 3-5, 2024. The program consists of four plenary talks (Julia Böttcher, LSE London; Irit Dinur, Weizmann Institute Rehovot; Arnau Padrol, U. Barcelona; Alex Scott, U. Oxford), a prize talk by the awardee of the Ramon Llull prize, a number of shorter contributed talks, and a poster session. This 2024 edition is a satellite conference of the 9th European Congress of Mathematics.

Jul 15, 2024 – Jul 19, 2024 15.07.24 – 19.07.24
Summer School "Algebraic Combinatorics"
MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
Sarah Brauner, Christian Stump, Bernd Sturmfels

This summer school is a satellite event of FPSAC 2024 which takes place the week after at Ruhr-University Bochum. Three outstanding speakers (Chris Eur, Greta Panova and Vic Reiner) will present short courses on current topics in Algebraic Combinatorics.

Jul 22, 2024 – Jul 26, 2024 22.07.24 – 26.07.24
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2024)
Bochum, Germany
Christian Stump (chair of organizing committee)

One of the world-leading conference series in combinatorics will take place in Bochum (Germany) in 2024. All members of the network and the priority programme are invited to participate and submit their best work.

Sep 09, 2024 – Sep 13, 2024 09.09.24 – 13.09.24
Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory
University of Paderborn
Claudia Alfes-Neumann, Igor Burban, Kai-Uwe Bux, Charles Vial and Tobias Weich

This kick-off conference will encompass the entire research profile of CRC-TRR 358 of Bielefeld and Paderborn University. The format will consist of two plenary lectures every day before lunch. In the afternoon, we will run six parallel sessions.

Among the six parallel sessions, there will be a session on “Experimental methods in algebra, geometry and number theory" with a thematic focus on combinatorial synergies.

Sep 11, 2024 – Sep 13, 2024 11.09.24 – 13.09.24
Priority Program Kick-Off Meeting
University Osnabrück, Germany
Paul Breiding, Martina Juhnke, Tim Römer

For the first Annual Conference of the program, we will meet in Osnabrück at Bohnenkamp-Haus im Botanischen Garten. Details can be found on the website of the conference.

Sep 24, 2024 – Sep 25, 2024 24.09.24 – 25.09.24
Workshop "Wachspress Geometry"
University of Leipzig, Germany
Rainer Sinn, Martin Winter

The workshop "Wachspress Geometry" will take place on September 24 and 25, at the University of Leipzig.

Wachspress Geometry is a young subject that studies the so-called Wachspress objects, a family of closely related mathematical objects defined on convex polytopes that were found to arise in a surprising variety of contexts, including algebraic and convex geometry, polyhedral combinatorics, spectral graph theory, rigidity theory, statistics and Positive Geometry.

The workshop has the following goals:

  • to introduce Wachspress Geometry to a broad audience and to present its connection to Positive Geometry.

  • to bring together experts on the various aspects of Wachspress Geometry to explore the interactions between their perspectives.

  • to join them with experts on Positive Geometry to together develop the tools of Wachspress Geometry beyond convex polytopes.

Oct 07, 2024 – Oct 11, 2024 07.10.24 – 11.10.24
Workshop "Tropical geometry - Moduli spaces and matroids"
Goethe University Frankfurt
Andreas Gross, Hannah Markwig, Martin Ulirsch

A workshop on tropical geometry with a focus on moduli spaces and matroids.

Dec 02, 2024 – Dec 13, 2024 02.12.24 – 13.12.24
Combinatorial Methods in Enumerative Algebra
ICTS Bengaluru, India
Angela Carnevale, Uri Onn, Amritanshu Prasad, Pooja Singla, Christopher Voll

Many algebraic counting problems give rise to integer sequences that hold information which is best accessed by encoding these numbers in appropriate generating functions. Numerous classical zeta and L-functions testify to this principle: Dirichlet’s zeta function enumerates ideals of a number field; Witten’s zeta function counts representations of Lie groups; Hasse– Weil zeta functions encode the numbers of rational points of algebraic varieties over finite fields. Analytic and arithmetic properties of these zeta functions hold or are expected to hold, the key to a treasure trove of information about the underlying structures. Zeta functions of groups and rings are invaluable tools in asymptotic group theory and ring theory. Often, they admit Euler product decompositions, with rational local factors that reflect regularity of structure in the underlying data.

We aim to bring together experts in the various relevant subject areas, including those in zeta functions of groups and rings and—crucially—in adjacent combinatorial areas, enabling them to address some of the outstanding problems in this field.

We will train young researchers to invite them to this vibrant area of enumerative algebra, give them the tools to both contribute to this area of asymptotic group and ring theory and relate it to their own area of expertise.

Dec 04, 2024 – Dec 06, 2024 04.12.24 – 06.12.24
Workshop "Geometry without Geometry"
Goethe University Frankfurt
Raman Sanyal, Martin Ulirsch

Matroids, M-convexity, and buildings are combinatorial abstractions of geometry that form the basis for the mindset of ``doing geometry without geometry''. Embracing this mindset has led to new perspectives for instance on volume polynomials and log-concavity (via Lorentzian polynomials), intersection theory (via combinatorial Chow rings), and flag manifolds (via flag matroids). The consequences are spectacular. This workshop aims at bringing together experts and aspiring experts from various areas of geometry and combinatorics to further explore the possibilities and implications of this approach.

Dec 09, 2024 – Dec 11, 2024 09.12.24 – 11.12.24
Polytopes and Friends
KTH Stockholm
Danai Deligeorgaki, Aryaman Jal, Katharina Jochemko, Lorenzo Vecchi

The conference aims at bringing together researchers of all aspects of polytope theory and its interactions with neighboring areas including matroid theory, algebraic statistics, topological combinatorics, algebraic geometry and more. There will be 7 invited talks spread out across three days, with plenty of sessions of unstructured time for discussion. Speakers Alex Black (ETH Zürich) Georg Loho (University of Twente/FU Berlin) Vincent Pilaud (Universitat de Barcelona) Irem Portakal (MPI Leipzig) Jacinta Torres (Jagiellonian University Krakow) Eleni Tzanaki (University of Crete) Lorenzo Venturello (University of Siena) For more information please visit the conference website. Registration is now open, with deadline NOVEMBER 8. Limited funding is available for PhD students and junior researchers. Priority is given to those that do not have other funding sources. Looking forward to seeing you in Stockholm!

Feb 22, 2025 – Feb 25, 2025 22.02.25 – 25.02.25
Sage Days 127
TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Martin Rubey

Sage Days are gatherings of people interested in SageMath, from newcomers to contributors. Sage Days 127 will focus on utilizing SageMath for applications in Algebra, combinatorics, and Probability. There will not be a strict schedule, but we will provide tutorials for beginners as needed. We will focus on discovering ways how to profit from SageMath's capabilities. If we identify missing functionality, we will initiate the process to fill these gaps.

Feb 24, 2025 – Feb 28, 2025 24.02.25 – 28.02.25
Winter School and Workshop on Polytopes 2025
University of Osnabrück
Martina Juhnke, Matthias Reitzner, Christoph Thäle

The event consists of a 2-day winter school and a 3-day workshop. The school consists of three minicourses (three hours each) on general polytopes, lattice polytopes and probabilistic aspects of polytopes.

Mar 10, 2025 – Mar 30, 2025 10.03.25 – 30.03.25
DiR "Simplicial Arrangements and Matroids"
Michael Cuntz, Lukas Kühne, Raman Sanyal

This is the first Dive into Research (DiR), an opportunity for undergraduate students to conduct research. The theme for this DiR is the geometry and combinatorics of simplicial hyperplane arrangements and simplicial (oriented) matroids.

Mar 24, 2025 – Mar 28, 2025 24.03.25 – 28.03.25
Algebraic Statistics 2025
Munich, Germany
Carlos Améndola, Mathias Drton, Benjamin Hollering, Thomas Kahle

The week-long conference on Algebraic Statistics brings this international community in contact with the Combinatorial Synergies SPP. It features 10 invited talks, contributed short talks and a poster session.

Mar 31, 2025 – Apr 04, 2025 31.03.25 – 04.04.25
Workshop "Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry - Highlighting Underrepresented Genders"
Goethe University Frankfurt
Alex Küronya, Diane Maclagan, Karin Schaller, Martin Ulirsch

A workshop in combinatorial algebraic geometry highlighting the contributions of researchers of underrepresented genders.

May 12, 2025 – May 16, 2025 12.05.25 – 16.05.25
Frieze patterns in algebra, combinatorics and geometry
CIRM, Luminy, France
Karin Baur, Michael Cuntz, Eleonore Faber, Pierre-Guy Plamondon

We are pleased to announce a conference on frieze patterns in algebra, combinatorics and geometry, it will be held at CIRM, Luminy, France, May 12th to 16th 2025.

Preregistration is open at the above webpage and will open until December 6th 2024. The CIRM has a limited amount of places - participants will receive acceptance information in January.

Mini-courses will be given by

  • Thorsten Holm (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

  • Valentin Ovsienko (Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne)

  • Khrystyna Serhiyenko (Universuty of Kentucky)

  • Ian Short (The Open University)

Speakers will include

  • Maitreyee Kulkarni (North Carolina State University)

  • Bethany Rose Marsh (University of Leeds)

  • Sophie Morier-Genoud (Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne)

  • Greg Muller (University of Oklahoma)

  • Pavel Tumarkin (Durham University)

  • Emine Yildirim (University of Leeds)

Sep 14, 2025 – Sep 17, 2025 14.09.25 – 17.09.25
94th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatorire
Evangelische Akademie, Bad Boll
Christian Krattenthaler, Christian Stump

The main speakers of this session will be announced in due time. There will be time for a limited number of 25-minutes talks by participants.

Funded by
Coordinated at